Faculty Committees 2024-2025
Policy Committee
Elected from among the St. George Campus faculty, with participation of the Chair of Historical Studies at UTM and the Chair of Historical and Cultural Studies at UTSC. Advises the chair(s) on policy-related matters concerning the St. George Department including such things as: working groups, opportunities and initiatives, appointments, retention, strategic complement planning and reviews, curricula, etc.
- Eric Jennings (ex officio, Chair)
- Melanie Newton (ex officio, Graduate Chair)
- Paul Cohen (ex officio, Associate Chair - Grad)
- Heidi Bohaker (f)/ Sean Mills (w) (ex officio, Associate Chair - UG)
- Funké Aladejebi (year 1 of 3)
- Doris Bergen (year 1 of 3)
- Isabelle Cochelin (year 1 of 3)
- Luis Van Isschot (year 1 of 3)
St. George Campus Committees
Reviews annual activity reports and advises on those faculty who are ready for promotion. Assists in the evaluation and preparation of the promotion dossier.
- Eric Jennings (Chair)
- Melanie Newton (Graduate Chair - ex officio)
- Doris Bergen
- Anver Emon
- Steve Penfold
- Safia Aidid
- Doris Bergen (Chair)
- Alex Pelegrino
Reviews annual activity reports to advise the chair in determining performance of faculty for annual PTR.
- Eric Jennings (Chair)
- Sean Mills (UG Associate Chair ex officio)
- Melanie Newton (Graduate Chair ex officio)
- Doris Bergen
- Cindy Ewing
- Shauna Sweeney
Plans and coordinates undergraduate course offerings for departmental approval; discusses ongoing curriculum renewal and proposes changes for departmental consideration; discusses other undergraduate issues as necessary.
- Heidi Bohaker (f)/ Sean Mills (w) (Chair)
- Vicki Norton (ex officio)
- Sam Bass
- Jennifer Jenkins
- Nakanyike Musisi
- Alan Verskin
- Mark Meyerson
- Tim Sayle
- Yvon Wang (Fall)
- Isabelle Cochelin (Winter)
- Dimitry Anastakis
- Nick Everett
- Funké Aladejebi
- Lisa Mar
- Dimitry Anastakis (Chair)
- Steve Penfold (Fall)
- LK Bertram (Winter)
Tri-Campus Committees
The mandate of the Equity and Diversity Committee is to provide recommendations and direction to the Tri-Campus Graduate History Department and the undergraduate St. George History Department on questions of equity and diversity with a particular focus on addressing racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and structural inequities, as well as policies and practices that affect Indigenous, Black, People of Color, and LGBTQ2S members of these departments.
- pending (co-Chair)
- Funke Aladejebi
- Doris Bergen
- LK Bertram
- Ritu Birla
- Isabelle Cochelin
- Paul Cohen
- Kevin Coleman
- Elsmat Elhalaby
- Anup Grewal
- Paula Hastings
- Chris Johnson
- Malavika Kasturi
- Julie MacArthur
- Lisa Mar
- Aparna Nair
- Nhung Tran
Student members:
- Koby Song-Nichols (co-chair)
- Melanie Newton (Graduate Chair)
- Paul Cohen (MA Coordinator)
- Paul Cohen (Interim Associate Chair, Graduate)
- Eric Jennings (Chair, St. G)
- Natalie Rothman (Chair, UTSC)
- Boris Chrubasik (Chair, UTM)
Chaired by a tenured faculty member, works closely with Associate Chair Graduate and Graduate Administrators to review graduate applications and determine offers of admission; liaises with prospective faculty advisors about responding to pre-application inquiries, messages of interest and campus visits, and assists the Associate Chair Graduate, in the recruitment of admitted students.
- Paul Cohen (ex officio)
- Bhavani Raman (Chair)
- Melanie Newton (ex officio)
- Alan Verskin
- Jennifer Jenkins
- Nhung Tran
- Li Chen
- Chris Johnson
- Paula Hastings
Plans and coordinates graduate course offerings for departmental approval; discusses ongoing curriculum renewal and proposes changes for departmental consideration; discusses other graduate issues as necessary.
- Paul Cohen (ex officio Chair)
- Mark Meyerson
- Susan Hill
- Anup Grewal
- Yvon Wang
- Kevin Coleman
- Paula Hastings
- Aparna Nair
- Steve Rockel
- Wyeth Robertson (PhD)
- Ahmet Koc (PhD)
- Evelyn Davis (PhD)
- Abemmelek Ermeyes (MA)
Advises the Associate Chair, Graduate in the awarding of internal fellowships; reviews graduate students’ applications and proposals assisting in the preparation of cover letters, CVs and dossiers for external fellowships.
- Paul Cohen (Chair)
- Melanie Newton (ex officio)
- Funké Aladejebi
- Tim Sayle
- Alex Pelegrino
- Andres Kasekamp
- Malavika Kasturi
- William Nelson
- Nick Everett (Chair)
- Safia Aidid
- Rebecca Wittmann
- Rebecca Woods
- Steve Penfold (F)
- Brian Gettler (F)
- Russ Kazal (W)
- Elspeth Brown (W)
Seeks to promote activities (lectures, conferences, workshops, etc) which promote collaboration among faculty members and advance and celebrate the intellectual life of the department.
- Nhung Tran (Chair)
- Cindy Ewing
- Andres Kasekamp
- Max Mishler
- Jo Sharma
- Luis Van Isschot
Assists and advises graduate students at all levels of their study to prepare for the job market including: workshops on the preparation of CVs, cover letters and teaching dossiers; individual consultations regarding job applications; mock interviews; support for AHA interviews in advance of and at the meeting; and preparation for campus visits.
- Yvon Wang (Chair, PDL Coordinator)
- Lilia Topouzova
- Sam Bass
- Dan Bender
- Carol Chin (Chair)
- Michael Gervers
- Jeffrey Pilcher
- David Wilson
- Giulio Silano
- Nakanyike Musisi
- Ken Bartlett
- Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi
- Ritu Birla (F)
- Mark McGowan (F)
Reviews cases where a graduate student is failing to maintain good academic standing or has failed to meet the required academic standards before termination is recommended. Members are the Graduate Chair, the Associate Chair (Graduate), the MA Coordinator and the Professional Development and Language Coordinator.