People Profile Form (New or Updating)

People Profile Form (New or Updating)

We will use your responses to this form to create or update your profile in our faculty  directory, staff directory, or postdoctoral fellow directory

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your preferred pronouns. If you do not want this information on the website please leave blank.
Please enter your title. e.g., Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow, etc.
Faculty Contact Information
(e.g., 416-555-5555; 416-555-5555, Ext. 12345)
Enter building name, room number, street address, city and postal code. e.g., Sandford Fleming Building, Room 5555, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4
Enter start date(MM/DD/YYY) to end date(MM/DD/YYY) e.g:, 08/15/2016 to 08/15/2016
Biographical Information
You indicated that you would like to create a new profile. Please include your biography below.
You indicated that your biography needs to be updated. Please paste your updated bio below.
If not already listed and up-to-date on your profile page, please provide your area(s) of interest. (e.g., "Renaissance and early modern Italy; social and political history; reform movements.").
Please select the field(s) of study that best describe your expertise. (Please select all that apply.) To select more than one field, use CTRL+click multiple entries.
Please list any degrees you received and where you received them (e.g., PhD, University of Toronto). Separate your degrees with using a semicolon (;).
Enter a valid URL. e.g.
Would you like to provide a photo of yourself for your profile? If you select ‘Yes,’ we will contact you to the request the photo.
Enter the full name of the department to which the person is cross-appointed. (e.g., Department of....) Separate your cross appointments with using a semicolon (;).
Please list details of any publications you would like to add to your profile. Include the publication title, date, journal name (if applicable), ISSN/ISBN (if applicable), etc. Separate your publications with using a semicolon (;).
Please list any honours, awards or grants you have received which you would like to be included on your profile page. Include award title, awarding body start year and end year. (e.g. Governor General's Academic Gold Medal, Queen's University, 2019-2020). Separate your awards with using a semicolon (;).
Staff Contact Information
(e.g., 416-555-5555; 416-555-5555, Ext. 12345)
Enter building name, room number, street address, city and postal code. (e.g., Sandford Fleming Building, Room 5555, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4)
Enter start date(MM/DD/YYY) to end date(MM/DD/YYY) e.g:, 08/15/2016 to 08/15/2016
Would you like to provide a photo of yourself for your profile? If you select ‘Yes,’ we will contact you to the request the photo.
Enter a concise description of the services the staff member provides or their areas of expertise. (e.g., Program requirements)
Postdoctoral Fellows Contact Information
(e.g., 416-555-5555; 416-555-5555, Ext. 12345)
Enter building name, room number, street address, city and postal code. (e.g., Sandford Fleming Building, Room 5555, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4)
Enter start date(MM/DD/YYY) to end date(MM/DD/YYY) e.g:, 08/15/2016 to 08/15/2016
Biographical Information
You indicated that you would like to create a new profile. Please include your bio below.
You indicated that your biography needs to be updated. Please paste your updated bio below.
If not already listed and up-to-date on your profile page, please provide your area(s) of interest. (e.g., "Renaissance and early modern Italy; social and political history; reform movements.").
Please select the field(s) of study that best describe your expertise. (Please select all that apply.) To select more than one field, use CTRL+click multiple entries.
Please list any degrees you received and where you received them (e.g., PhD, University of Toronto). Separate your degrees with using a semicolon (;).
Enter a valid URL. e.g.
Would you like to provide a photo of yourself for your profile? If you select ‘Yes,’ we will contact you to the request the photo.
Enter the title of the postdoctoral fellowship. (e.g., Selling Knowledge to the Masses: Gnoseological Propaganda in the Post-World War II Soviet Union, Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship)
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