Department of History Faculty Research Projects
August Bebel: A Life for Social Democracy
"Black man toothpaste": Consumerism and racial politics in early 20th century China
Case of the Dead Cheese Master: Migration in Eighteenth-Century Europe
The Chairman’s Milk: Dairy in Socialist China between Revolutions (1949-1966)
DECIMA - Digitally Encoded Census Information & Mapping Archive
The Dragoman Renaissance Research Platform
Exile and Encounter in Martinique, 1940-1945
GRASAC - The Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures
The Practice of Stalin's Great Terror: A Documentary History of Soviet Perpetrators
Rural Commercialisation in Southern Germany, c.1200-c.1440
Tasting the Global City: Multicultural Histories of Toronto Cuisines
TRU - Technoscience Research Unit
"The Exclusion of Women's Access to Property in Contemporary Vietnam"