
Image of Dr. Elaine Treharne
Online event with Reginald Jackson, University of Michigan
Image details: left: Grauer Tag (1921), right StraBenszene (Kurfürstendamm) (1925)
Mae Ngai and book cover of The Chinese Question: The Gold Rushes and Global Politics
Front cover for A Fervent Crusade for the National Soul: Cultural Politics in Colombia, 1930–1946 (Lexington Books 2022)
Visitor in front of artwork displayed on the Aga Khan Museum wall at the Image? The Power of The Visual exhibition.
An image
An image
“Empire’s Tracks book cover and a photo of the author, Manu Karuka” Credit: Manu Karuka
photo of Roopika Risam seated at a computer with screen displaying a large map
