CANCELLED - “Antiquarian Readings of the Last Supper between Renaissance and Reformation”

When and Where

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Senior Common Room
Victoria College
rear of 91 Charles Street West


Damiano Acciarino


The Gospel narratives of the Last Supper raise some of the most complex and controversial issues ever discussed during the Renaissance, not only by Biblical philologist, but also by antiquarians, iconographers, and artists. That is because Sacred Scripture offered only brief accounts of the event, often ambiguous and misleading, and left room for assumptions and additions based on erudite, but also ideological, patterns. This talk reconstructs the terms of this debate, which, starting from Lorenzo Valla’s exegesis of the New Testament, involved scholars such as Erasmus, Girolamo Mercuriale, Emmanuel Tremellius, Pedro Chacón, Johann Wilhelm Stucki, and many others. Textual information will be cross-referenced with early modern artworks and archaeological findings to illustrate  the complex weave of literary and visual sources that were part to this intricate cultural dynamic.

Damiano Acciarino is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow at the Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. He is the author of Lettere sulle Grottesche (Rome, 2018) and De’ Conviti degli Antichi. Opera adespota (Padua, 2012) and editor of the essay collection Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques (Toronto, 2019).

PDF iconPoster x Acciarino 2020 03 31.pdf


Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium


rear of 91 Charles Street West
