- Scarborough (UTSC)
Fields of Study
- Food
- United States
Areas of Interest
History of Food and Drink; Food Studies; Labour History; History of the United States; Cultural History; Animal Studies.
Daniel Bender is the Canada Research Chair in Food and Culture and the Director of the Culinaria Research Centre. His research focuses on food, drink, and empire. His current project focuses on a global labour history of wine, empire, and the sommelier. (He holds a Certified Specialist in Wine, a WSET Level 3, and is a WSET Diploma Candidate). He is the author of the forthcoming book, "The Food Adventurers: How Around-the-World Travel Changed the Way We Eat" (Reaktion, 2023) and is the co-editor of the forthcoming "Food Mobiilities: Making World Cuisines" (University of Toronto Press, 2023). His previous publications include: "The Animal Game: Searching for Wildness at the American Zoo," (Harvard University Press, 2016), "Making the Empire Work: Labor and United States Imperialism" (Co-ed, NYU Press, 2015), "American Abyss: Savagery and Civilization in the Age of Industry" (Cornell University Press, 2009), "Sweated Work, Weak Bodies: Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns and Languages of Labor" (Rutgers University Press, 2004), and "Sweatshop USA: The American Sweatshop in Global an Historical Perspective" (Co-ed, Routledge, 2003). His articles have appeared in Gastronomica; Food, Culture, and Society; International Labor and Working-Class History; Radical History Review; Journal of Women's History; American Studies; and Journal of Social History. He is a member of the Editorial Collective of the Radical History Review and is co-chair of the Editorial Collective of Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies. He is also a co-host of the Gastronomica Podcast on Heritage Radio Network.
- "Teaching with Food" (Bloomsbury, Forthcoming : 2023)
- The Food Adventurers: How Around-the-World Travel Changed the Way We Eat (Reaktion Press, Forthcoming : 2023)
- Food Mobilities: Making World Cuisines (University of Toronto Press, Forthcoming : 2023)
- "Flowers for Washington: Cultural Production, Consumption, and America and the World" (Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming : 2022)
- "Dipping in the Common Sauce Pot: Satay Vending and Good Taste Politics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Singapore" (Taylor & Francis Online : 2021)
- "Lucile’s Scrapbook: A Voyage Around the World, 1937" (University of California Press : 2020)
- “Drinking Scorpions at Trader Vic’s: Polynesian Parties, Caribbean Rum, Chinese Cooks, and American Tourists” (London: Bloomsury : 2019)
- “Labor and Culture at the End of Empire: Race, Solidarity, and Remaking Capitalism” (London: Bloomsbury : 2018)
- “Everybody was Boodle Fighting: Military Histories, Culinary Tourism, and Diasporic Dining” (Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group : 2018)
- "Unpacking Tourism" (Duke University Press : 2017)
- “The Delectable and Dangerous: Durian and the Odors of Empire” (Rutledge: Taylor & Francis Online : 2017)
- The Animal Game: Searching for Wildness at the American Zoo (Harvard University Press : 2016)
- Making the Empire Work: Labor and United States Imperialism (New York University Press : 2015)
- “Through the Looking Glass: U.S. Empire through the Lens of Labor History” (University Press Scholarship Online : 2015)
- “Sound Politics: Critically Listening to the Past” (Duke University Press : 2015)
- "Radical Foodways" (Duke University Press : 2011)
- “Eating in Class: Gastronomy, Taste, Nutrition, and Teaching Food History” (NYU Scholars : 2011)
- “In Women’s Empires: Gynaecocracy, Savagery, and the Evolution of Industry” (JSTOR : 2011)
- “Sensing Labor: The Stinking Working-Class after the Cultural Turn” (New York: Continuum : 2010)
- American Abyss: Savagery and Civilization in the Age of Industry (Cornell University Press : 2009)
- Co-Editor, 20th Century United States Social History: Decade by Decade ( : 2008)
- “Perils of Degeneration: Reform, the Savage Immigrant, and Survival of the Unfit” (JSTOR : 2008)
- Sweated Work, Weak Bodies: Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns and Languages of Labor (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press : 2004)
- Sweatshop USA: The American Sweatshop in Historical and Global Perspective (New York: Routledge Press : 2003)
- Food Mobilities: Making World Cuisines (University of Toronto Press)