Echoes of Ferdowsi – Ottoman Translations of the Shahnameh and Translation Criticism

When and Where

Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Room 200B
Bancroft Building
4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto


S. Zehra Akarvardar Koçak


The Seminar in Ottoman and Turkish Studies invites you to a hybrid seminar featuring S. Zehra Akarvardar Koçak (TÜBİTAK postdoctoral researcher & NMC postdoctoral fellow).

Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh (977–1010) has shaped Persian literary traditions for centuries. This talk explores Ottoman translations of the epic, focusing on Dervish Hasan Medhî’s 17th-century rendition through the lens of modern translation criticism. The seminar will also highlight broader Ottoman translation practices, textual criticism, and the intricate relationship between source and target texts.


Department of History, Munk School of Global Affairs