Feeding the Eternal City: Jewish and Christian Butchers in the Roman Ghetto

When and Where

Thursday, November 14, 2024 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Online at https://uoft.me/TRRC-Stow
Online at https://uoft.me/TRRC-Stow


Kenneth Stow


Seemingly pedestrian, the slaughter and sale of meat, especially kosher meat, carries an enormous social and religious charge. This meat’s sale to non-Jews was canonically forbidden. Nonetheless, dispensations to allow it were issued as early as the year 1084, continuing through 1723, making these sales a barometer of a Jewish-Christian equilibrium, or its absence. Interactions, indeed, collaboration between butchers–Jewish with Jewish (including women) and Jewish with Christian–open a window onto the world of butchering itself.


Toronto Renaissance & Reformation Colloquium